Getting CM Calendar to connect to the right email account

There is no longer a menu where you can select which email account you want CM Calendar to connect to. CM Calendar will automatically connect to your Chrome browser’s primary gmail account.

If you (like me) uses two different email accounts, one for work and one for private things I strongly recommend you to create a two user setup in Chrome. It’s super convenient.

Just open the Chrome Settings page Chrome Settings and below the header “People”
click on “Add person…” add_person

You can specify an alternative primary email account by logging in to Chrome


Now you are set to go.

You switch between your users really easy by clicking on the small user icon up in the top left corner.


You will have to install CM Calendar again for your new user by visiting the Chrome Web Store

CM Calendar in Google Chrome Web Store

Click on the blue “free”-button to install CM Calender as a Chrome Extension

That’s it!

Some other things that you probably want to do with your new Chrome user

Getting your bookmarks

Among your first priorities with your new Chrome user are probably to import your bookmarks from your original user.

1) Switch back to your original user and go to the “Bookmarks Manager”
Chrome Settings Chrome Settings > Bookmarks > Bookmarks Manager

2) In the drop down menu “Organize” chose “Export bookmarks to HTML file…”export_bookmarks
Save them for example to your desktop

3) Switch to your new Chrome User and go to the “Bookmarks Manager”
Chrome Settings Chrome Settings > Bookmarks > Bookmarks Manager

4)  In the drop down menu “Organize” chose “Import bookmarks from HTML file…”
Find your saved bookmarks file and you’re done!

Getting more appropriate Chrome user icons

If you’re not happy with the default selection of Chrome user icons that are displayed in the top left corner to signify the identity of the current user ther’s a way to use your gmail account images instead.

1) Navigate to the experimental “Chrome Flags” settings page by typing the following address in your browsers address field


2) At the top of your browser page you’ll see…

click on “Enable”.

The next time you start Chrome, Chrome will be using your Gmail account images to indicate the current Chrome user.

Some final remarks on how having a two user set up in Chrome will make your life easier

Two bookmarks bars means more space and better organization

If you take away your job related bookmarks from your private user’s bookmarks bar and vice versa from your job user’s bookmarks bar you free up space and adapt them according to your different needs.

Two Chrome users means that you can switch super easy between for example two facebook accounts

Some people uses a private Facebook account and an alternative account representing themselves in their profession. A multi user Chrome setup makes switching between multiple Facebook accounts a piece of cake.


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